When your strategy has status failed, that means that something went wrong during the time when we were passing your order information to the exchange. This article will explain what you have to do if your strategy failed.
Firstly, it is important to determine at which moment the status of your strategy was changed to failed. If this occurred during the entry (initial opening of the strategy) then your order was not sent to the exchange. The second option is that your strategy can fail during the closure of the position. In this case, your open position will remain on the exchange.
Secondly, click on the failed strategy, and you will see the details of the error. In most cases, there will be a link inside of the description that will guide you to one of the help center articles on how to solve the issue. If the description is not clear, or you require any clarifications, please contact the support through the chat on the web page.
IMPORTANT! Once your strategy status was changed to “Failed” please open your exchange and check your live positions. Make sure that you do not have any unwanted positions on your exchange.
What if my strategy failed during the entry?
When the strategy failed while you were trying to enter the position that means that some information that was passed to the exchange was not correct. The most common problems are related to
Incorrect trading amount (Insufficient balance error)
Mismatch in Leverage between the exchange and your order (Margin is insufficient error)
Mismatch in the trading mode (Trading Mode error)
What if my strategy failed during the exit?
When the strategy fails during the exit this will mean that the exchange did not accept your exit order and the positions that you were trying to close will most likely remain on the exchange. The first thing that you need to do is to check your exchange positions directly on the exchange and make sure that you close all the unwanted positions on the exchange.
The most common problems are related to:
Incorrect placement of Reduce Only order (Reduce only error)
Order was already closed on the exchange (Order already closed error)
Mandatory conditional order not found (Mandatory Conditional order error)
The signal was received but was not executed (Exit Signal Was not Executed)