This feature keeps an eye on all the trades you currently have open on the exchange. It shows any trades that are active on the exchange but weren't opened using Wundertrading. You can check these trades in the Positions tab alongside your other active trades. This helps you stay updated on all your trading activities, whether you opened them directly on your exchange or through Wundertrading.
If you wish, you have the option to move this position to WunderTrading by simply clicking on the action button located on the right-hand side of the row, just like it's demonstrated in the screenshot. This feature gives you flexibility and control over your trading strategy in one place.
If you decide to move this strategy to WunderTrading, it will be set up there, and you'll have the ability to control this position using smart trading tools. You can adjust the strategy, set Take Profit and Stop Loss levels, turn on a trailing stop, or close the position altogether. This gives you more ways to manage your trades effectively and make decisions based on your trading goals and preferences.
Attention: This feature is currently supporting only open positions from Binance Futures and Bybit Futures.